God is on the move in our community unifying songwriters and worship leaders around the world under the banner of Jesus! We’re so excited to gather again this fall to grow as writers who move His heart and empower His Church.

Each year our conference is designed to both educate and inspire, and be a "behind the scenes" look into the world of worship songwriting from some of our brilliant friends in the music industry. Whether you're a beginner or advanced writer, we have a seat at the table for you! Our keynote speakers & breakouts are aimed at growing writers at every level.  


We long to see songwriters encouraged and growing in healthy songwriting communities in churches around the world. Our MISSION is to empower Christian songwriters to craft heartfelt songs of worship.


We equip and disciple songwriters through songwriting resources such as assessments, books, course curriculum, mentorships, co-writing environments, retreats, and live events with the goal of building a thriving online community.

We have resources at every level to serve you and make that a reality:

  1. The Songwriter Personality Test

    This quick test helps the songwriter know their strengths, helps worship teams better know what kind of writers they have and how they can best co-write together.

  2. Writing Worship Book

    Every reader has access to the Small-Group Leader's Guide to help guide their worship team on the journey using the book.

  3. Writing Worship Community

    A Facebook group for songwriters and church musicians to connect and share their songs and their experiences with the Writing Worship resources.

  4. Writing Worship Course

    Watch and learn as Krissy and the Writing Worship team pour into the worship community at Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. 6-hours of instruction. Also includes a live co-write.

  5. The Worship Songwriter Mentorship

    This is a 9-week intensive small group you experience with 11 other songwriters. You can do this together with your worship team and we provide one of our songwriting mentors to lead your team through it! (These meet 3x a year and you must apply before you register)

  6. Writing Club
    Writing Club is an interactive and engaging community for Kingdom-minded songwriters to grow their craft and flourish together. We host weekly zoom calls and co-writes together, have breakout sessions together, workshop songs and learn from experts in the field of songwriting, producing, marketing, and promoting Christian music.

  7. Develop a Songwriting Community in Your Church
    If you have a passion to see a songwriting culture be developed in your church or community, please email us to set up a phone or zoom call to discuss.

Ready for Mentorship?

Learn about the Worship Songwriter Mentorship Program and apply.

Join the Facebook Community

This community exists to serve songwriters, worship leaders, and worship teams who write songs for the church. Connect and share songs with other worship songwriters, worship leaders, and church musicians on Facebook.

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Writing Club

Writing Club is an interactive and engaging community for Kingdom-minded songwriters to grow their craft and flourish together. We host weekly zoom calls and co-writes together, have breakout sessions together, workshop songs and learn from experts in the field of songwriting, producing, marketing, and promoting Christian music. Apply here.

Song Admin Course

What do you do after you write your song? Learn how to administrate and protect your songs while making sure you get paid as much as you can for your music. Taught by a pro songwriter and church music administrator, Holly Salazar.

How To Stream Your Music

Learn how to promote your own music successfully, gain more exposure, make a greater impact, gain more listeners and digital streams than you have been able to get on your own. Taught by a pro, Dave Taylor (Integrity Music, 8020 Music).

See all Writing Worship resources here.