Over the past few years, we've prayed and watched the Lord building something unique and beautiful among the Writing Worship community. Beautiful songs, beautiful relationships, beautiful growth among fellow writers and artists. We prayed about how we could serve what God is doing, and the logical conclusion was to put a bunch of these songs and leaders together in one room and roll tape!

The May 4th-5th event will be equal parts live recording and writing retreat. Each attendee will take part in two co-writes and two recording sessions as a part of the choir (detailed schedule below). All the songs recorded will be songs born out of the Writing Worship Community, and will feature band and worship leaders from our community! Songs written during the writing camp can be submitted to be considered for future recordings. And it will all take place in the heart of downtown Franklin, TN.

Here’s all the important info you need for the event. Be sure to read this over so you have all the info, and learn the songs we’ll be singing together!


Fourth Avenue Church of Christ: 117 4th Ave N, Franklin, TN 37064.



  • View your writing room + recording room schedule here. Please look over before Thursday, and let us know if we’ve missed any important details. (With so many moving parts, it’s always possible!)

  • Wi-Fi is the 4th Ave Guest Wi-fi, and the password is: John1334

  • Here is the song submission form. You may want to read over all this info before you even begin writing. All songs written at the writing camp are eligible to pitch toward our recording projects. Designate someone from your group to collect all the assets for the song (demo recording, chord and lyric chart, songwriter names, etc) and fill out the form. *Note about demos / work tapes: we don’t need anything fancy for a demo - a phone work tape of just piano/guitar and vocals is fine. But be sure to try and capture the essence of the song well, because that helps our team catch the vision for the tune. (Pro tip: have your strongest vocalist / instrumentalist cut the work tape.)

  • If you are a guitarist, please plan to bring your guitar with you. A very limited number of keyboards will be available, and if you’re able to bring a keyboard (MIDI, etc) with you please do!

  • Snacks & coffee will be provided during each session, with ample time for meal breaks built in.


  • 8:00am - Registration + Doors Open

  • 9:00am - Welcome + announcements (Main Sanctuary)

  • 9:30am - Recording Session 1 & Writing Session 1

  • 12:30pm - Lunch Break (on your own)

  • 2:00pm - New groups + announcements (Main Sanctuary)

  • 2:30pm - Recording Session 2 & Writing Session 2

  • 5:30pm - Dinner Break (on your own)

FRIDAY May 5th

  • 8:00am - Doors open

  • 9:00am - Welcome, prayer + announcements (Main Sanctuary)

  • 9:30am - Recording Session 3 & Writing Session 3

  • 12:30pm - Lunch Break (on your own)

  • 2:00pm - New groups + announcements (Main Sanctuary)

  • 2:30pm - Recording Session 4 & Writing Session 4

  • 7:30pm - After Party Celebration (The Factory Main Lobby - 230 Franklin Road)

* All times listed are CST.

**As a part of this live event, attendees agree to appear on recording/video as a part of the choir.

***Attendees are responsible for their own travel and lodging.


HERE is the link to all the songs we’ll be singing together - please listen over the playlist as many times as you need to learn the songs, as a part of the choir you’re part of the worship leading too! :) We will be singing 14(!) songs together throughout the recording sessions, and we want to make sure you have time to listen to and learn the songs. We will not have lyric screens during the recording, so learning the songs ahead of time will help the time of worship and also in recording a big full sound of your beautiful voices! :)


Each day of the event you’ll be in the live worship / recording room one time, and on camera. Keep that in mind when choosing what to wear for the event. We don’t have a strict dress code (we want the diversity of our community to be represented!) but for the sake of the video crew here’s a few ground rules:

    • Casual clothes (jeans and t shirt, etc.)

    • NO LOGOS OR BRANDS. No significant printed shirts, hats, etc (we really can’t show any brands, for legal reasons.)

    • Stick with neutrals, black, white, grey, etc. No super bright colors please :)

    • Make sure it’s modest.

    • Please for the love of all that is holy, no jerseys and NO FLIP FLOPS :)

    • No plastic water bottles in the live recording room, loud jewelry, or anything else that would make extraneous background noise.

    • It might be a good idea to have a spare shirt, hat, etc on hand just in case.


Attendees can park in either of the two free public parking lots on the map below. The lot on 4th Avenue is a block from the church and the shortest walk. There are also some street parking spots available further north on 4th Avenue at times, but the parking garages are the safest bet.


Franklin is a beautiful downtown with plenty of restaurants and coffeeshops, and we’ll have some built-in time where you can explore those with new friends! You can read more about Franklin and find last minute lodging options here.


A big part of our philosophy is that we do everything in community. We want writers to be known, loved, and championed and to do the same for others! Writing Club is the central hub of our community, and we want to make it accessible for those of you who are already investing in Writing Worship. Writing Club includes monthly “Breakouts” (with industry guests), monthly Song Workshop (with industry guest), regular times to connect with other writers, The Worship Songwriter Mentorship (required for all WC members), access to all of the courses, an opportunity to pitch songs to our recording projects year-round, and of course…loads of co-writing!

Use the coupon codes below to get 25% off Writing Club subscription:

  • To pay monthly: 25OFF

  • To pay annually: 25OFFYEARLY