MONDAY - October 7

8:00am - Writing Camp Registration
8:30am - Devotion, Psalming, Worship
10:00am - Co-Write #1
1:00pm - LUNCH BREAK
2:00pm - Writing Club Meetup Outside Front
3:00pm - Co-Write #2
6:00pm - BREAK for the Day

TUESDAY - October 8

8:00am - Devotion + Worship
9:00am - Co-Write #3
12:00pm - LUNCH BREAK
1:00pm - Conference Registration
1:30pm - Opening with Brave Worship
2:00pm - Psalming
2:30pm - Krissy Nordhoff - "Songs of Thanks"
3:00pm - Scripture Sharing
3:30pm - Song Workshop (Robby Valderrama, Rebekah White, Baily Hager)
7:00pm - Pro Writer's Round: Josh Farro, Tommy Iceland, Rebekah White, Mitch Wong
8:00pm - An Evening with Poets+Prophets (Worship Night)

WEDNESDAY - October 9

8:00am - Brave Coffees
9:00am - Psalming & Worship
9:30am - Tasha Layton - "Living Boundless"
10:30am - Scripture Sharing
11:00am - Publishers Panel (Stacey Willbur, Chad Segura, Mike Murray)
12:00pm - LUNCH BREAK
2:00pm - Live Recording (Youth Room)
6:00pm - Closing Prayer (Youth Room)
7:00pm - Optional After-Party Hang at The Factory (230 Franklin Rd, Franklin, TN 37064)